
Artificial Turf Cleaning

Professional Turf Cleaning that restores your turf, neutralize pet urine smell, disinfect it and deodorize it.

Our Services

We at Turf Care Las Vegas take these 6 steps each time when we clean your synthetic turf.
Magnet Sweeping Step

Magnet Sweeping

We will sweep all dangerous metals that might be in your turf. Having screws, nails or similar metals can be very dangerous for you, for your kids and for your pets. That's why we will remove all of it, if it's there.
This is the first step we take when we start artificial turf cleaning service.


Blow away debris

The second step of our turf cleaning service is removing all the visible debris. We will blow away all visible debris that is on top to prepare for brushing process. Don't worry, we won't just blow it on the side and leave it there. We pick up after us.

Power Brooming

We will use our power broom to remove all the debris that is stuck in between turf blades. This 3rd step of synthetic turf cleaning service also helps in cleaning drainage holes, while also raise the turf blades in up-right position.



The 4th step of our turf cleaning service is vacuuming. We will use our LOW SUCTION vacuum and remove all the visible debris, so your turf can look like new. Don't worry, this will not remove any infill.


Urine Odor Killer

This is our star!!! 5th steps of artificial turf cleaning is our first solution application. It is a rare solution on the market that will almost instantly neutralize ammonia. Your turf won't smell like pet urine anymore!

Disinfecting-Spray-Solution (1)

Disinfectant & Deodorizer

The final step in our turf cleaning process is the second solution that disinfects your turf from all the bacteria, fungi, mold etc. while at the same time smells mafnificent.

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